উচ্চশিক্ষাপার্ট-টাইম জব/খরচপাতিপ্রবাস জীবনলিথুয়ানিয়া

লিথুয়ানিয়ার জবের আদ্যপান্ত্য

Last updated on June 3rd, 2020 at 08:02 pm

লিথুয়ানিয়ার জব কখন করা যাবে এবং জবের জন্য কি কি কাগজ থাকতে হবে তার বিস্তারিত নিচে দেয়া হল ( হুবহু তুলে ধরার কারনে ইংরেজিতে দেয়া হল)

Employment in Lithuania

1. A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT: To work in Lithuania, students who come from Non-Eu countries must have a residence permit.
2. WORK PERMIT: Upon receipt a temporary residence permit, from the second semester or second year ( depends on visa duration, given by the Lithuanian Embassy where visa was issued), students may work, however, they must obtain a work permit, except for the following cases:
>when a student is employed during the period of practical training(internship)
>when a student intends to work in a science and study institution in the field of scientific research and/or experimental(social and cultural)development.
3. EMPLOYEE’S INITIATIVE: Employee who intends to employ a citizen(student)coming from a non-EU country must register a vacancy in the local labour exchange. Afterwards, he must submit an application to the labour exchange on the issue of a work permit to a student.
4. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Student of Lithuanian science and study institution who wishes to get a job must submit the following documents to the local labour exchange(copies of the documents must be signed by the head of the issuing institution):
# a standard form application to the labour exchange.
# a temporary residence permit.
# a certificate issued by the Republic of Lithuania science and study institution to confirm that a foreign citizen is its student;in case a foreign citizen is taking a 1st cycle or an integrated study program, to confirm the subsequent years of study.
# a copy of the employment contract or of employer’s obligation to employ a foreign citizen and average pay, provided the company has more employees doing the same job as sought by a foreign citizen.
The decision on the issue of a work permit or the extension of its validity shall be made by the labour exchange.
5. CONCLUSIONS OF AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT: Upon receipt of a work permit, an employment contract with the student shall be concluded in writing under a standard form prescribed by the law of the Republic of Lithuania, in Lithuania and in another language that student understands. The employment contract is to be fixed-term, i.e. the period of work is to coincide with the work permit expiry date.A student may not work in any other workplace than that indicated in the contract or carry out any other functions (other professions, qualification, speciality, work, or holding office) than those indicated in the work permit.
6. OTHER PROVISIONS: For the issue of a work permit in the Republic of Lithuania, students of a Republic of Lithuania science and study institution may apply for themselves.
**** Students may work no more than 20 hours per week.****
Employment of Students from EU Countries:
*EU citizens are not subject to any restrictions on employment.
*Employers must employ any EU citizen in the same order as a Lithuanian citizen.
*EU students do not need a work permit.
Procedures of issue a temporary residence permit, necessary documents etc.: http://www.migracija.lt
Procedures of issue a work permit, necessary documents,etc.: http://www.ldb.lt
Writer: Ashfaq Omi
Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Volunteer and Group moderator: Bangladeshi Students Community in Europe
ফেসবুক মন্তব্য
Mahedi Hasan
শেয়ার করুনঃ

Mahedi Hasan

স্বপ্নবাজ ও ভ্রমণপিপাসু একজন মানুষ। নতুন কিছু জানতে ও শিখতে ভালো লাগে। নিজে যা জানি তা সবার মাঝে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়ার চেষ্টা করি। বর্তমানে জার্মানিতে পড়াশোনা করছি।আমার সম্পর্কেঃ http://www.hmahedi.com

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